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Data Protection

The policies located below set out the Trust's framework to ensure compliance with Data Protection legislation, and in providing a right of access to official information in line with what is permitted by the Freedom of Information Act.

These policies outline how information will be managed to meet the Trust's statutory requirements, fulfil its obligations and publish certain information about its activities. 

The Trust has appointed an external Data Protection Officer (DPO) service, Judicium Education, to fulfil the legal requirement for oversight of compliance with data protection laws, to review and develop policies and procedures and provide assurance these are being followed, and to support the Trust with guidance as required.


Any Freedom of Information (FOI) requests or Subject Access Request (SAR) can be made via our Jedu platform (a link to which is located on each school website under the ‘Contact Us’ page) or via the links provided in the relevant policies on this page.

Our policies and supporting documents can be found below:

Privacy Notices

The Trust also publishes the following Privacy Notices:

Contact Us

Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT