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A Multi Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee for the benefit of education. It is an independent legal entity with whom the Secretary of State has decided to enter into a master funding agreement.  As such, it has Members and Trustees.  It is funded by the DFE but independent of local authority control.

Governance Structure

structure diagram

Committees & Chairs

Committees of the Board

Name Chair
Trust Board Sylvia Perrins
Finance & People Committee Una Tomkins
Audit, Estates & Risk Committee Selom Anim
Standards Committee John Philip

Local Academy Committees

Academy  Chair Headteacher/ Head of School
Bannockburn Primary School Sue Kimmins Rachel Ford
Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys Holly Broughton Tom Lawrence
Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls Anca Czifra Lizaan Williams



The members are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the Academy Trust with the ability to appoint some of the Trustees and the right to amend the Trust’s articles of association. They are signatories to the articles, may appoint new members (with a 75% majority) or remove existing members. They may issue a direction to the Trustees, by special resolution, appoint the Trust’s auditors and have the power ultimately to wind up the company.  Members should be “eyes on and hands off”.


Name Role(s) Date of Appointment Date of Leaving Business & Pecuniary Interests
Bob Janes

Chair of Members


  • Anthony Nolan Volunteer
  • Governor of Willow Dene Special School
  • Wife is a governor at Cornerstone School
  • Wife is an education advisor to parents with autism
Byron Parker Member 01/09/2022   None
Lynne Wainwright Member 01/09/2019   None
Julia Richardson Member  22/12/2020   None


The Trustees are responsible for the three core governance functions of setting direction, holding the CEO and Headteachers to account and ensuring financial probity.  They must also ensure they are complying with charity law requirements. The Trustees are company directors and must comply with company law requirements, notably regularly attending meetings, managing conflicts of interest, seeking advice from the Executive team, and ensuring the Trust has appropriate procedures in place for reporting financial information.  The Board of Trustees sign off the annual accounts and are responsible for the Trust’s accountability to parliament and to the Secretary of State.

Interested in becoming a Trustee? Apply here


Name Appointing Body Category Date of Appointment Re-Appointed Term of Office Date of Leaving Business & Pecuniary Interests Meetings attended 2022/2023

Sylvia Perrins


Chair of Trustees



4 years


  • Trustee of the British Pilgrimage Trust

  • Son is a teacher of the trust

6 out of 6

Bob Janes Members Trustee 10/06/2014 13/12/2021 4 years


  • Anthony Nolan Volunteer
  • Governor of Willow Dene Special School
  • Wife is a governor at Cornerstone School
  • Wife is an education advisor to parents with autism

5 out of 6

Tim Plumb Ex Officio CEO/ Accounting Officer 01/09/2014   Ex Officio  
  • PiXL Associate
  • Member of the Multi-Academy Trust Association (MATA) Advisory Board
  • Vice-Chair of the CST London Trust Leaders Forum
  • Member of the Greenwich Schools Forum
  • Member of the Governing Body of the  Conatus Federation

6 out of 6

John Philip Members Trustee 25/03/2022   4 years  
  • Senior Educational Consultant for ALPS
  • Self-employed consultant for PiXL

4 out of 6

Selom Anim Members Trustee 19/04/2022   4 years   None

3 out of 6

Sarabjit Singh Bahra Members Trustee 01/09/2022   4 years   None

6 out of 6

Jennifer King Members Trustee 01/09/2022   4 years  
  • Account Executive in the Education team at Microsoft

4 out of 6

Tracy Russell Members Trustee 01/07/2019   4 years 31/12/2022
  • Deputy Director of Education in Greenwich

1 out of 1

Kate Batchelor Members Trustee 01/12/2021   4 years 31/01/2023 None

0 out of 1

Una Tomkins Members Trustee 26/04/2023   4 years   None 2 out of 3
Gulcin Sesili Members Trustee 28/04/2023   4 years  
  • Co-CEO of The Spring Partnership Trust
  • Challenge Partners
3 out of 3
Dr. Matthew Stubbins Members Trustee 28/04/2023   4 years  


2 out of 3
Liulu Chen Trustees Trustee 03/07/2023   4 years   None 2 out of 2
Terry Madden-Nadeau Trustees Trustee 22/02/2024   4 years   None n/a

Click here to view our Trustee Biographies


Local Academy Committee (LAC)

What is a local Academy Committee?

An Academy Committee is an increasingly common method of local governance as discussed in the NGA document “Welcome to a Multi-Academy Trust”.  It replaces the LGB with a new Committee which operates under much more focused Terms of Reference which emphasise the committee’s core function – to raise standards of learning and achievement and ensure pupil progress across all key stages within the academy.  Each academy will have its own Academy Committee which replaces the LGB.

Those who sit on an Academy Committee will become Academy Committee Members (ACM).  Each Academy Committee will require two Parent ACMs and two Staff ACMs to be voted on from the respective academy populations.  All other ACMs will be appointed by the Trust Board.

What are the differences between an Academy Committee and an LGB?

There are a number of differences which will be outlined in the Terms of Reference.  The key differences include:

  • The removal of much administrative and compliancy duties which can detract from a focus on learning and achievement – these will sit with the Trust Board whenever possible.
  • More active involvement in creating agendas, scrutinising evidence and judging standards – all of which will allow better support of school leaders and more focused holding to account.
  • More active involvement in visiting the school, meeting leaders and other staff, speaking with students and parents – this will help triangulation and monitoring and give ACMs a real insight into the successes and needs of each academy.
  • Responsibility to collate and share best practice between academies via the Best Practice Committee.
  • Regular communication with the Trust Board about successes and areas for improvement.

An AC will convene once every half-term, six times a year in total.  Each AC Chair will report back to the Trust Board each term and will also work closely with the Chair of Trustees in a supportive and open relationship.  The AC Chair will have a very close working relationship with the Headteacher and SLT of the academy and form a partnership of accountability and support.

Interested in becoming a Local Academy Committee Member? Apply here

Local Academy Committee Members (Local ACMs)

bannockburn primary school

Name Appointing Body Category Date of Appointment Term of Office Date of Leaving Business & Pecuniary Interests Meetings attended 2022/23
Rachel Ford Ex Officio Headteacher   n/a     3 out of 3
Robert Young Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/11/2023 3 years   None 2 out of 3
Sue Kimmins Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/11/2023 1 year   None 3 out of 3
Briget Fosang Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/11/2023 1 year   None 3 out of 3
Kafayat Eletu Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/11/2023 3 years   None 2 out of 3
Petra Handoca Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/11/2023 2 years   None 3 out of 3
Nikita Chaudhari Parent Body Parent Committee Member 01/11/2023 2 years   None 2 out of 3
Gary Corrin Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/11/2023 2 years   None 2 out of 3
Siobhan Chapman Staff Body Staff Committee Member 01/11/2023 2 years   None 1 out of 3
Joshua Ayodele Trust Board Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/11/2023 3 years   None 1 out of 1
Navrup Kaur Parent Body Parent Committee Member 01/11/2023 4 years   None n/a
Izabella Tache Trust Board Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/11/2023 4 years   None n/a

Woolwich Polytechnic School for BoYs

Name Appointing Body Category Date of Appointment Term of Office Date of Leaving Business & Pecuniary Interests Meetings attended 2022/23
Jack Davies Staff Body Staff Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 6 out of 6
Richard Kashoro Parent Body Parent Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 5 out of 6
Kafayat Eletu Parent Body Parent Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years 10/07/2023 None 6 out of 6
Sulayman Adama-Bah Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years 10/07/2023 None 5 out of 6
Tom Lawrence Ex Officio Head of School 01/09/2021 n/a   None 6 out of 6
Lizaan Williams Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 4 out of 6
Debbie Hawgood Staff Body Staff Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 3 out of 4
Tunde Odutola Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 5 out of 6
Natasha Kett Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 10/11/2022 4 years   None 3 out of 6
Dr. Anita Houghton Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 28/04/2023 4 years   None 1 out of 1
Dammy Showole Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 11/05/2023 4 years   None 1 out of 2
Dominic Norton Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 05/06/2023 4 years   None 0 out of 1
Holly Broughton Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 11/09/2023 4 years   None n/a
For more details regarding governance at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Boys, see the governance section of the school website here

Woolwich polytechnic school for Girls

Name Appointing Body Category Date of Appointment Term of Office Date of Leaving Business & Pecuniary Interests Meetings attended 2022/23
Sarabjit Singh Bahra Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years 10/11/2022 None 2 out of 2
Anca Czifra Parent Body Parent Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 5 out of 6
Susan Ikpefuran Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 5 out of 6
Lizaan Williams Ex Officio Head of School 01/09/2021 n/a   None 6 out of 6
Tom Lawrence Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 5 out of 6
Danielle Whittaker Parent Body Parent Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years   None 6 out of 6
Joe Perkins Staff Body Staff Committee Member 01/09/2021 4 years 31/03/2023 None 2 out of 4
Uduak Jesuthasan Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 28/03/2022 4 years   None 1 out of 3
Malica Scott Staff Body Staff Committee Member 01/09/2022 4 years 31/01/2023 None 1 out of 2
Holly Broughton Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 10/11/2022 4 years 11/09/2023 None 3 out of 5
Molly Adkins Staff Body Staff Committee Member 02/02/2023 4 years   None 1 out of 3
Nadine Milwood Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 24/04/2023 4 years 01/03/2024 None 1 out of 2
Alhaq Kochattinpurath Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 05/05/2023 4 years   None 0 out of 2
Gloria Boadi Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 11/09/2023 4 years   None N/A
Rosemary Folkes Trustees Trust-Appointed Committee Member 18/09/2023 4 years   None N/A

For more details regarding governance at Woolwich Polytechnic School for Girls, see the governance section of the school website here

Deep Dive Forum 

What is a Deep Dive Forum?

Just as the ACs are a driver of improvement within each academy, the Deep Dive Forum (DDF) is a driver of improvement between each academy.  However, the Deep Dive Forum is not an accountable body like the AC.  Instead, it is a chance to scrutinise and understand areas of practice common to both schools in much more depth on a regular basis, giving those involved much greater insight into key areas of our schools’ work.  It is also a forum for sharing ideas and collaborating.  The key features will be:

  • A schedule of “Deep Dive” topics will be calendered throughout the year – eg Pupil Premium, Safeguarding, Progress of More Able Students.
  • Each school will present in detail their work for each area and members will be able to scrutinise and compare ideas.
  • Recommendations can be made for areas that schools could collaborate.
  • Any members of either AC can attend the DDF.

 The DDF will convene once a term.  The Chair of the DDF will share outcomes with the Trust Board and each AC to summarise best practice, areas for development and areas for future collaboration.

The ACs will formally report to the Trust Board as an Accountable Body.  The DDF will share information back to the Trust Board and also to each AC so that the best findings are shared to help each school.  We refer to the DDF as a Supporting Body as it provides support for school improvement.

The current chair of the Deep Dive Forum is Sarabjit Singh Bahra.

Governance Documents 

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Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT