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Interested in becoming a Governor?


Being a governor (or Academy Committee Member) is extremely rewarding.

It's an excellent way of becoming part of the school community and making a difference to how the school is run.

No special qualifications are required. We don’t need education experts, just enthusiasm. Lots of training is available, including access to an online learning platform specifically designed for school governors, making it a great way to gain new skills. We give every new governor an induction pack to help them get to grips with their new role.


The role of Academy Committee Member (ACM) is voluntary.

Any time an ACM spends carrying out their duties is appreciated and makes a difference to the school.

As a minimum we would like PolyMAT’s ACMs to do the following:

Attend half-termly Local Academy Committee (LAC) meetings

These are usually on Mondays or Tuesdays. They start at 4:30pm and tend to go on until at least 6.30pm. Minutes and other papers are circulated a week before the meeting and ACMs are encouraged to review papers and raise questions prior to the meeting. Currently, all LACs take place virtually via Microsoft Teams, meaning you don’t have to factor in travel time or finding a place to park.

Attend additional training opportunities, including our Deep Dive Forum

All ACMs are encouraged to undertake regular training.  As a minimum we require ACMs to attend our Annual Governance Conference, which is usually half a day of face-to-face training on a Saturday in September each year, and includes annual safeguarding and other training.  In addition, we require ACMs to attend our unique Deep Dive Forum, which brings together ACMs from all PolyMAT Schools to share good practice and undertake training together. This takes place three times per year, and is an in-person event that takes place at one of our schools.  ACMs will also be encouraged to undertake training provided by organisations such as the Confederation of School Trusts (CST), the National Governance Association (NGA) and Governor Hub, as well as providing free access for all ACMs to access online learning courses and materials.

Have link roles and areas of responsibility

Most ACMs are expected to take on a "link" or other responsibility (such as Chair).  A link responsibility is for a specific focus area connected to the School's strategic priorities and ACMs’ areas of responsibility. Currently, each school has a Link ACM for the following areas:

  • Safeguarding, Attendance, Filtering and Monitoring
  • Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)
  • Careers Information, Advice & Guidance

Link ACMs are expected to visit school at least once a term to meet with school staff/pupils as appropriate to oversee their specific areas.   These focus areas and plans are set within the ACM’s annual Monitoring Schedule.

Unlike in a Local Authority school, there are no additional subcommittees that ACMs are expected to attend.  This is because responsibility for items such as Finance, Premises and compliance are retained by the Trust Board, giving ACMs more time to focus on the things that directly impact on students and their learning. ACMs may be required to attend additional panels, such as in the case of pupil exclusions, which meet as required. 

Keep abreast of current local and national developments in relation to their specific role as an ACM. ACMs will be provided with updates via our shared communications portal (GovernorHub) and will have access to various governor information sites (such as GovernorHub Knowledge and the NGA’s Learning Link). ACMs have a duty to keep abreast of those areas that are relevant to their roles. 

To help, you will be given a handbook, which outlines the role and how it fits into the wider governance structure.

The role is unpaid, but ACMs can claim for certain costs or expenses they incur.

If you’re interested, contact Mark Guest (CCO - Chief Compliance Officer) at to find out more.


The role of Trustee is voluntary.

Any time a Trustee spends carrying out their duties is appreciated and makes a difference to the Trust and its schools. The role of Trustee requires significant additional time above that required of an ACM, but this is commensurate with the amount of difference Trustees can make – not just to an individual school, but to all schools across the Trust.

As a minimum we would like PolyMAT’s Trustees to do the following:

Attend termly Trust Board meetings

These are usually on Mondays. They start at5pm and tend to go on until at least 7pm. Minutes and other papers are circulated a week before the meeting and ACMs are encouraged to review papers and raise questions prior to the meeting. Currently, all Trust Board meetings take place virtually via Microsoft Teams, meaning you don’t have to factor in travel time or finding a place to park.

Attend regular subcommittee meetings

There are currently 4 main committees which meet in addition to the Trust Board.

These are:

  • Finance & People Committee – meets termly
  • Audit, Estates and Risk Committee-meets termly
  • Safeguarding and Standards Committee – meets termly
  • Pay Committee – meets twice per year (in the Autumn term)

Trustees are allocated to serve on a maximum of two committees, with the exception of the chair and vice chair of Trustees who attend all committees. Trustees are encouraged to attend Deep Dive Forum. 

Attend additional training opportunities

All Trustees are encouraged to undertake regular training.  As a minimum, we require Trustees to attend our Annual Governance Conference, which is usually half a day of face-to-face training on a Saturday in September each year, and includes annual safeguarding and other training.  In addition, Trustees are invited to attend our unique Deep Dive Forum, which brings together ACMs (and Trustees) from all PolyMAT Schools to share good practice and undertake training together. This takes place three times per year, and is an in-person event that takes place at one of our schools. As noted above, attendance at the Deep Dive Forum is entirely optional.  Trustees will also be encouraged to undertake training provided by organisations such as the Confederation of School Trusts (CST), the National Governance Association (NGA) and Governor Hub, as well as providing free access for all Trustees to access online learning courses and materials.

Take on areas of responsibility

Most Trustees are expected to take on a responsibility (such as Chair of the Trust Board, or Chair of a Committee).  In addition, some Trustees may take on a “link” responsibility for a specific focus area connected to the Trust’s strategic priorities and Trustees’ areas of responsibility. Currently, the Trust has Links for the following areas:

  • Safeguarding & Attendance(including Filtering & Monitoring)
  • SEND
  • Careers

Link Trustees are expected to visit school(s) at least once a term to meet with school staff/pupils as appropriate to oversee their specific areas.   These focus areas and plans are set within the Trust Board’s annual Monitoring Schedule.

Trustees may be required to attend additional panels, such as in the case of pupil exclusions, staff disciplinary, grievance or capability hearings, or complaints, which meet as required. 

Keep abreast of current local and national developments in relation to their specific role as a Trustee. Trustees will be provided with updates via our shared communications portal (GovernorHub) and will have access to various governor information sites (such as GovernorHub Knowledge and the NGA’s Learning Link). Trustees have a duty to keep abreast of those areas that are relevant to their roles. 

To help, you will be given a handbook, which outlines the role and how it fits into the wider governance structure.

The role is unpaid, but Trustees can claim for certain costs or expenses they incur.

If you’re interested, contact Mark Guest (CCO- Chief Compliance Officer) at to find out more.

If you are interested in becoming a Trustee or Academy Committee Member please submit the application form on the right hand side menu. Following the completion of your submission, your details will be available for us to view giving us the ability to get in touch.

By submitting an application form you are consenting to us storing and processing your data. Your data will only be used for recruitment purposes only and will not be shared with any third parties. Please remember that candidates have the right to withdraw consent at any time and have their data submitted removed. Candidates can also request an electronic copy of the information that they have submitted. 

Submissions will be removed 365 days after the date submitted.

Thank you for your interest in working with PolyMAT.

Contact Us

Hutchins Road
SE28 8AT